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Victoria Kumar_english

05.11.2015 @ 19:00 - 20:00

Victoria Kumar: Escape and migration from a historic point of view – The “illegal” escape of Austrian Jews to PalestineThe lecture deals with escape and migration from a historic point of view with an emphasis on the „alijah beth“, which is the name for illegal immigration into Palestine in Zionist terminology, as an example for the “illegal” escape of Austrian Jews before the National Socialism. The biggest tasks and risks concerning the boat rides from Vienna along the Danube and the Black Sea will be pointed out as well as the fight against the escape movement by the British and the toleration and even support by the Nazis on the other side.

Victoria Kumar
Historian at the Centre for Jewish Studies and the Institute of German Language and Literature at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, and at CLIO Graz. Main focus of research: Jewish history in Austria and Styria, Zionism, exile, Palestine/Israel. Publications: In Graz und andernorts. Lebenswege und Erinnerungen vertriebener Jüdinnen und Juden. (In Graz and Elsewhere. Paths of life and memories of displaced Jews) Graz: CLIO 2013. Land der Verheißung – Ort der Zuflucht. Jüdische Emigration und nationalsozialistische Vertreibung aus Österreich nach Palästina 1920 bis 1945 (Land of Promise – Place of Shelter. Jewish emigration and Nazi expulsion from Austria to Palestine 1920 to 1945 – to be published) (im Erscheinen).

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19:00 - 20:00