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Just Friends and Lovers (Nightline)
01.11.2014 @ 22:00

Ihre Spezialität ist der flinke Wechsel von Instrumenten, einmal spielt die eine das Schlagzeug, beim nächsten Lied die andere. Eine singt oder eine mehrstimmige Ode erklingt. Eine spielt Keyboard, während die anderen beiden Gitarre und Bass tauschen. Die Zuschauer freut‘s! “Perfektion ist nicht unsere Sache”, sagen sie.
JFaL sind seit 2012 aktiv und haben zwei Kassetten beim Label Wilhelm Show me the Major Label veröffentlicht. Single und Album “What, Colour?” wurde 2013 beim Wiener Label Fettkakao produziert.
In a masterly spun web the three Lo-Fi goddesses of Just Friends and Lovers (JFaL) perform their merry-go-round of Post-punk, No-Wave and Indie-Pop. Besides their quick switches of instruments their melodies go straight to the listeners hearts and feet. Lina, Lena and Veronika are the opposite of smart alecks, they performed in several other bands such as Lady Lynch, Black Fox Tropikal or Telly Is The Tube and gained experience also in classical orchestras.
Their speciality is the swift swapping of instruments, one is playing the drums and on the the next tune the other. One is singing or they’re starting a polyphonic ode. One is pressing the buttons on the keyboard whilst the others switching bass and guitar. The audience is delighted! „Perfection is not really our cup of tea“, they say.
JFaL as a constellation have been active since 2012. They realeased two MusiCassettes on the Graz based Wilhelm Show me the Major Label. One single and their debut full length album „What, Colour?“ (2013) was released on the Viennese label Fettkakao.
(c) Just friends and lovers, (c) Andrea Tesanovic