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Irina Karamarkovic
04.11.2016 @ 16:00 - 16:30
Irina Karamarković
Irina Karamarkovic ist Sängerin, Komponistin, Arrangeurin, Ensembleleiterin und Autorin. Studium des Jazz Gesangs an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz. Live zeigt sie sich in unterschiedlichen Auftrittsformaten – von a capella bis zum Big Band oder Electronics. Sie promovierte an der KUG über die Präsenz der Musik aus Südosteuropa in der Jazzszene Österreichs (soziokulturelle, wirtschaftliche, politische und musikalische Aspekte).
Am Speiseplan steht:
Irina Karamarković
Irina Karamarković was born in Priština to a family with a long tradition in music. Most of the time, she is a singer, composer, arranger, author, performer, actress, vocal technique teacher, ensemble coach and musicresearcher. Apart from that, she is reciting, playing some instruments, cooking vegetarian food, as well as thinking, reading, listening and travelling a lot. She collaborates with other artists beyond the musicalsphere, engages in cultural politics and has a great passion for table tennis, languages and urban guerrilla gardening. After being enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (Department of Ethnology and Anthropology), she completed her studies in the field of Jazz Voice at the Jazz Institute of University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. She studied with Mark Murphy, Jay Clayton, Sheila Jordan, Michele Hendricks, Tom Lellis, Marguerite Juenemann, etc. She has a PhD in Philosophy and herdoctoral dissertation explores the presence of music from Southeast Europe on the Austrian jazz scene – sociocultural, economic, political and musical aspects (University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Institute for Jazz Research).She is a multi-dimensional live performer: from a cappella to big bands and/or electronics.Up to now, she has been performing on many international jazz, world music, folk, alternative, and experimental festivals, singing concerts and gigs with numerous bands and artists, doing recordings, rehearsing, implementing promotional events, organizing concerts and readings, publishing articles, teaching people how to deal with their voices and winning some prizes. She is a member of the Cultural Advisory Council of the city of Graz and a cultural coordinator of the Assembly of European Citizens, Paris.
Improvisation stew