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Aigul Hakimova
06.11.2015 @ 18:00 - 20:00
Der Einfluss von Flüchtlings- und Migrationsbewegungen auf die Zukunft Europas; Die Umverteilung von gemeinschaftlichem Besitz
Refugees and migrants movements role in Europe’s future. Redistribution of common wealth.
Today Europe is witnessing the rise of refugees and migrants movement for freedom and right to stay. European migration policy, Schengen border regime and »intergration« plans are challenged. How do we understand the future of Europe taking into consideration demands and needs of refugees movement? Struggles on the borders will continue as struggles for a better life for all. It means that we have to think of refugees movement as a social movement for a just redistribution of common wealth. Do they need our support? Yes! Do we need their support? Yes! We should walk together, hand by hand, in order to learn from each other, to question struggle, power and injustice.
Aigul Hakimova
Mein Name ist Aigul Hakimova, ich wurde 1980 in Karakol im Nordosten von Kirgisistan geboren. Nach dem Schulabschluss 1997 an der Lenin Joly High-School besuchte ich die International University of Kyrgyzstan und schloss 2001 mit Auszeichnung ab. Danach zog ich nach Slowenien, wo ich an der Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities am anthropologischen Institut studiert habe. Ich bin Mutter eines vierjährigen Kindes und engagiere mich, seit ich in Slowenien lebe, aktiv in der Grassroots-Bewegung, sowohl im organisatorischen als auch im teilnehmenden Bereich. Der Großteil meines Engagements hat mit den Themen Migration, autonomer Raum und Gemeinschaftsorganisation zu tun.
Aigul Hakimova
My name is Aigul Hakimova. I was born in 1980 in the northeastern Kyrgyzstan, in the town of Karakol. I graduated from Lenin Joly (Ленин – Жолу) high school and entered International University of Kyrgyzstan in 1997. In 2001 I graduated with honors and moved to Slovenia where I continued my studies at Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities, Department of Anthropology. I am a mother of a four-year-old child. During my 14 years in Slovenia I actively participated in grassroots movements both as an organizer and supporter. The lion’s share of my engagement in grassroots activism concerns work in the field of migration, autonomous spaces and community organizing.
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