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LET’S GET NAKED! Workshop by Karina Roosvita Indirasari
30.08.2024 - 31.08.2024

An Undressing Power Project: Our Cloth is Our Battle Field!
Let’s engage in a deep, deep girls talk and conversation!
30 August, 2024 from 15:00 – 18:00
31 August, 2024 from 11:00 – 18:00
Workshop by Karina Roosvita Indirasari (St.A.i.R.) at KiG! Kultur in Graz, Lagergasse 98a, 8020 Graz.
We invite women interested in re-examining the meaning of Austria’s traditional clothing, the „Trachten” to come together and discuss the intersectionality of cloth, gender, and politics, and how women constantly need to fight to maintain their identity through the clothes they wear.
Austria, Bavaria and many regions around share the same tradition of clothing, known as Dirndl. This project will specifically investigate the Dirndl, as it is a type of clothing worn by women.
However, clothing is a battlefield. Women face multiple layers of struggle in interpreting a piece of clothing. The meaning attached to clothing is always changing, and often, the meaning is imposed by those who have the power to write history.
Similarly, Kebaya, a traditional clothing worn by women in Java, has been subject to changing meanings over time. Women struggle to give it value and meaning and the politics are always appropriate for its objectives.
So, how should we as women react to this as the field of resistance? Should we reclaim it, or should we create our own new identity?
After undressing our understanding of traditional clothing on the first day, we will dressing-up new meanings to these clothes on the second day.
At the same time, we are also looking for Dirndls that can be donated to this project.
If you are interested in joining the conversation, please send an email to Karina R. Indirasari (roosvitaetc@gmail.com) to register until August 25! Participation free of charge!
Workshop Presentation and Exhibition
13 – 18 September 2024
- Bildrechte/copyright Ⓒ: Karina Roosvita
- Bildrechte/copyright Ⓒ: Karina Roosvita