- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
14.03. @ 15:00 - 18:00

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Creative space thrives on the terrain of uncertainty. In contamporary times, understanding uncertainty as part of humanity reality is necessary to live, grow and create. Our body is the fundamental tool of expression. Therefore, an open, playful and detailed exploration of our bodies will open and strengthen channels into internal and external space to communicate on deeper levels with ouerselvs, outherness, others and society.
The workshop is a laboratory for personal and group creative research around body movement, space, presence and time. It consciously explores the personal body movement, space, presence, and time. It consciously explores the personal body and relationships to itself, the body of another, the group body, and the collective body and relationships with oneself, another’s body, the group body and the collective body. Contents: Body awareness through improvisation, communication and design through expressive languages (words, images, sounds, voice, actions and movement). Spatial writing. Body cartography.
Please enrole: office@kig.mur.at
Please bring comfortable clothes to work in.
For women* only
A pilot project that can be continued at the participants’ request.
- Bildrechte/copyright Ⓒ: Antonio Chinea
- Bildrechte/copyright Ⓒ: Antonio Chinea