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“Antje Majewski, The World of Gimel. How to Make Objects Talk”
30.09.2011 @ 14:30 - 17:30

Geneigte KunstweltenbummlerInnen,
Kultur in Graz und das Kunsthaus Graz laden zur Preview-Kurator/innenführung mit Katrin Adam Budak, Antje Majewski und Intendant Peter Pakesch.
Antje Majewski The World of Gimel. How to Make Objects Talk Living the Museum The alchemy of things is at the core of a multimedial project by the German artist, Antje Majewski (*1968) which aims at rethinking the representation and meaning of objects in the form of a highly personal and quasi surreal collection. In other words, based upon the investigation of various museums and collections, including the profound research into the encyclopeadic structure of the 200-years old Universalmuseum Joanneum, her (private) collection of inanimate objects is the artist’s utopian and subversive (and a seemingly absurd…) take at how to make objects talk. Thus Majewski’s own private museum is a sort of language laboratory – a rhizomatic structure of multilayered connections, a hybride of babel and aleph which sums up an advanced museological experience as beyond-spiritual, universal and hyper semantics. Artists: Antje Majewski, with Thomas Bayrle, Helke Bayrle, Marcel Duchamp, Didier Faustino, Pawel Freisler, Delia Gonzalez, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Edward Krasinski, Leonore Mau, Markus Miessen & Ralf Pflugfelder, Dirk Peuker, Agnieszka Polska, Mathilde Rosier, Gavin Russom, Issa Samb, Juliane Solmsdorf, Simon Starling & Superflex, El Hadji Sy, Neal Tait
#### Bitte ANMELDEN unter flor@mur.at oder +43-316-720267 ####