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Unique Horns / Para / Gigaldi
18.01.2018 @ 20:00 - 22:00
€2 – €6
Unique Horns
Louis Laurain
Solo piece for 3 trumpets, laptop, home-made amplification system et various resonating objects. Throughout the piece you might hear some live and pre-recorded trumpet sounds, field recording, birds, white noise, vibrating metal stuffs, saws, toads, sine waves, music, natural or artificial of jungle sounds…
Louis Laurain is a trumpet player, improviser and composer, based in Paris. He mainly works in the field of contemporary music, improvised music and jazz. Born in 1984, he taught himself to play the trumpet and then studied jazz and improvisation at the conservatories of Lyon (CNR) and Paris (CNSMDP). While developing his own personal and original language on his instrument, he researched, through different collaborations, an intuitive and spontaneous approach to music. His interest is essentially in different forms of improvised music for various formations,ranging from solo to orchestral.His work is focussed principally on two topics. Firstly an accoustic approach to instruments through research on sounds and sound effects in relation to the space in which they are produced. Secondly work on the amplification of instruments (“close miking”) with the aim of creating the illusion of an electric or electronic “machine instrument”.
He performed with Eliane Radigue, Stephen o’Malley (Sunn O ))), Pierre Huyghe, Axel Dorner, Nicolas Collins, Yves-Noel Génot, Zombie-Zombie, Pierce Warnecke, Polyversal souls, Tobias Delius, Arnaud Rivière, Xavier Charles, Ignaz Schick, Fidel Fourneyron, Joel Grip, Bruno Ruder, Frédéric Blondy…
He performed in various festival and venues in Paris (grande halle de la vilette, cité de la musique, Centre Pompidou, Radio France, Vilette Sonique, Instants chavirés, Théatre des Bouffes du Nord, ménagerie de verre), Porto (Casa de musica), Fylkingen Stockholm (SWE), Manila Mabini art Gallery (PHI), Algiers (Festival culturel européen), Météo Festival, Umea (Umea jazz festival), Accra (Alliance francaise), Berlin (Jazzdor, Jazz an der Lohmule), Rome (Rome jazz festival), Amsterdam (OT 301), Densités, San Francisco (luggage store), Lisbonne (Ze Dos Bois), Londres (The Vortex), Jazz in Marciac, Reno jazz festival (US), festival du désert (MALI), Tampere Music Festiva (FIN, Université de Tomsk (RU), the Vooruit (Gent), Lublin, Kody Festival (PL), Bergen jazzforum (NO), Umbria jazz (IT), ENSEMS Valencia (SP).
Since 2015 he curates with fredéric Blondy the festival CRAK (St merry Church, Paris) and The jazz Series at “le 34” with Benjamin Dousteyssier, Jean dousteyssier & P.A. Badaroux.
French Horn: Elena Kakaliagou
Piano: Ingrid Schmoliner
Double Bass: Thomas Stempkowski
French Horn, Prepared Piano and Double Bass creates delicate and furious, animalistic and brainy, melodic and chaotic music on the spot!
“I was quite thrilled by this young trio last year, with their debut album „PARAligo“, and I’m glad to say that they still exist and released their second CD, now performing under the band name ‘Para’. The trio are Elena Kakaliagou on French horn, Ingrid Schmoliner on piano and Thomas Stempkowski on bass.
The music is “spontaneously composed” and offers a wide range of approaches, almost like exercises in stylistic possibilities, using and rejecting all genres, from classical over free improv and folk to new music, and what they do is strong, as long as you stay within the framework of the individual piece. These can be dense and agitated (‘Zygoptera’), quiet and subdued (‘Warten’), playful (‘Neda’), mesmerising (‘An Messiaen’), frightening (‘Stormar’), dark (‘Nitsowia’), …. I like most of the tracks because they are inventive, creative and well performed….
But then I listen back to their debut album, and I wonder why the sense of unity of the first album has been lost. Now, it’s an album of great improvisations that each stand apart, without any choice being made by the trio to create a strong personal voice. Even if some of the music is daring, it is still far from being a commitment to one single option, one that is uniquely the trio’s voice, which goes beyond what you’ve heard before. They have it in them, for sure, as they demonstrated with the first album. Or, to put it differently, “Para-Ligo”, the first album had the ambitions and unity of a symphony, “Paraphore” has the lightness and the variety of string quartets, nice to the ear, but less lasting in impression.”
(Freejazzblog 2014 By Stef)
Gigaldi – Christian Gratt aka „Gigi“ gehört zu den bekannten Interpreten der österreichischen freistilistischen Szene. Diesmal bringt er den Part “Winter” aus seiner konzeptuellen Hommage an Vivaldis “Vier Jahreszeiten”. Die pulsierende Kreativität der winterlichen Kangfarben nimmt den Zuhörer mit auf eine lebhafte, abwechslungsreiche Reise und hält den Geist stets gefangen in der Erwartung welche Wendungen diese nimmt.
- Bildrechte/copyright Ⓒ: featured immage: Louis Laurain
- Bildrechte/copyright Ⓒ: featured immage: Louis Laurain